Tuesday 23 July 2013

Day 5

In a bit of a funk today. Just sad. I had a horrible night's sleep and something bad happened to me which I never ever want to speak about to anyone. I still managed to do skills today. My main focus was to self soothe and to distract. It helped that I worked a few hours so that kept me busy. The skills I've posted before today that I still enjoyed doing were meditation, playing with play dough, burning candles, and doing my tax (yeah I actually enjoyed doing my tax - it was distracting). There were skills also that I wish I used especially observing and describing my emotions. Wish I did that one because while in KMart today I just had to have a cry and even though that's not bad I would've liked to use some skills to stop. Anyway, so here are some other skills I did on my 5th day of the challenge.  


 I woke up this morning thinking how awesome it was that I didn't have to work until 3pm but as soon as I opened my eyes I saw a text for another job. Didn't want to do it but I did it anyway. 
Skill - Emotion Regulation (opposite to emotion action)
Sang loudly in the car to some pretty funky, explosive music
Skill - Distress Tolerance (distracting with opposite emotions)
Skill - Emotion Regulation (opposite to emotion action

 Probably my most favourite thing was to finally put together my DBT folder
There is a short clip by Debbie Corso called 'What's in my DBT binder'. This gave me an idea to do my own - maybe you could do one yourself.
Skill - Emotion Regulation (building mastery)
Skill - Distress Tolerance (activity)

  Started doing yet another art journal page. Not sure how it's going but it kept me busy.
Skill - Emotion Regulation (building mastery)
Skill - Distress Tolerance (activity) 
Skill - Distress Tolerance (self soothe - touch/feel as I think using a paint brush gives you a soothing feel)

Oooh another favourite - I went to a cafe and had Gluten Free Orange and Almond Cake and an Iced Coffee - yes it may be unhealthy but it cheered me up after crying in KMart. Lol.
Skill - Emotion Regulation (building positive experiences)

See you tomorrow.

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