Thursday, 25 July 2013

The last day of my 7 day challenge

Well here it is, the final day of my challenge to blog 5 skills a day for 7 days. Today when I woke up I tried to think of some different skills to put to use. I did this firstly to get used to doing all types of skills that are in DBT (Dialectical Behaviour Therapy) and secondly so you don't see a repeat of images. My main focus today was to try and incorporate more mindfulness as well as observing and describing my emotions. So, among doing my usual oil burning and building positive experiences I also did the following:
After work I felt a great sense of pride at what I thought was a great job. 
I observed and described what I was feeling and made sure that when I arrived home I wrote it out in the Emotion Regulation homework sheet that I received during my course.

Skill - Core Mindfulness (observe)
Skill - Core Mindfulness (describe)

I started a jigsaw puzzle today and did all of the edges.
Skill - Distress Tolerance (activity)
Skill - Emotion Regulation (building mastery)

 I used all of my senses to describe this jigsaw box in it's entirety without judgment.
Skill - Core Mindfulness (describe)
Skill - Core Mindfulness (non-judgmental stance)

 I looked up cheerleading statements that are best suited for me for times when I desperately need to reflect on them. I looked on Pinterest for ideas and I looked through previous DBT homework sheets. I typed the ones I liked then rewrote them in pretty colours.
Skill - Distress Tolerance (Improve the moment - encouraging/cheerleading)

 I decided at the end of the day to take a vacation. I've had a pretty busy week so I took a book to bed and had an hour nap.
Skill - Distress Tolerance (Improve the Moment - vacation)
Skill - Distress Tolerance (Improve the moment - by reading I was doing one thing at a time)

So there you have it - 7 days of using 5 skills per day. I had fun. It taught me a lot and I really do hope I encourage you to try some yourself.

The next thing I blog may not be a challenge but I certainly look forward to posting again soon with something creatively different. Until next time. 

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