I received some fantastic tips from my case manager 2 days ago. I told her that I can't seem to observe and describe my emotions easily because I have a hard time picking which came first when I experience all different emotions in one hit. She could tell it was really bugging me to the point of being overwhelmed and advised that perhaps I could just choose the one that stood out the most in order to just work on that one emotion. The other tip she gave me is to write them all out on the separate worksheets (which you are meant to do) and not label which came 1st, 2nd, 3rd. It seems so silly but I have been so hung up on what came where, when that happened and how that came next, that I have lost sight of just working on any emotion that came. She said that perhaps by focusing on one, the others may come easier or I may even discover which came first. The most important thing that matters is that by working on one and radically accepting one emotion I would suppress less. So this is what I will be doing next time I need to fill out an observe and describe worksheet. I look forward to it.
Yesterday when I was trying to think of positive experiences I could have, (a skill that is part of Emotion Regulation), I looked at a list that I got from my DBT class, written by Dr Marsha Linehan. It is surprising how even the tiniest thing can be considered as increasing positive emotions. I chose a few that I enjoy doing:
Having quiet evenings
Laying in the sun
Imaging beautiful scenery
Singing around the house
Coming home from work
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