The last 2 posts I've written about implementing more skills from the Emotion Regulation module of DBT, the treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Today, when I woke, I did my usual thing and wrote a little list of skills I'd like to use today and made a conscious effort to do them even though I was out house most of the day.
To increase positive emotions I made contact with 2 of my friends (through text) that I wish to keep in regular contact with. This in itself is huge because just 6 - 9 months ago I was shutting myself off from everyone. Luckily, because I don't handle rejection very well (a day in the life of a person with BPD), both my friends responded and I had a great to and fro with a friend I thought I'd lost. I also had a couple of gaps in between jobs and so I spent those times at the beach. Again this is huge for me because I was almost agoraphobic the same amount of months ago. Not only that, I would never go to the beach even before that because I never saw the beauty in it. Even though I only spent a little time there it gave me time to experience it with all of my senses. I also shouted myself to lunch and even though up til recently I was using this as my positive experience almost everyday I decided this week that this was the one day I would allow it (long story short, I am putting on tons of weight so had to cut it back).
To reduce vulnerability to negative emotions I put the following PLEASE MASTER skills, (see last post), in place. I built mastery by doing a bit of a strange art journal page. I'm not a fan of weaving but decided to give it a shot and love my page. Also I think I did a pretty good job today at a particular job where I knew I would be with a client that I consider difficult. I didn't need to treat any physical illness today, I balanced my eating well (ate at regular times and made good choices) and I avoided mood altering drugs. I didn't participate in exercise however I did think about it. I'm concerned that magpies and plovers will get me because they're out now but I am trying to convince myself to wear a hat if I walk (hate to because I feel stupid - a fear that I look dumb and people will talk about me if I wear a hat - silly I know). Will need to act opposite to emotion and just go for that walk with a hat. I'm working on it.
So that's my day. I will use pictures next time I talk about my skills. It's just late and I needed to finish this post before the night was over.
Till next time.
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