Thursday 4 February 2016

A Cunning Plan

Here I was thinking I had it all worked out. I was going to blog yesterday in order to abstain from drinking. I was going to talk about all the skills I put in place beforehand so that when I had thoughts of alcohol I would do them. Ha! Well it didn't work out that way at all. Perhaps I could have written in my blog when I first thought of it instead of putting it off then it may have helped. Anyway there is no use dwelling on it now. I'm going to move on and just think about what I might write now and perhaps make another plan for next time. 

I want to share a 'brief' snapshot of what's been going on in my life since the last time I wrote back in August 2013. 

  • went on a diet - lost 30kg dramatically and gained an eating disorder (binge eating bulimia)
  • recovered (I'm hopeful) from bulimia after doing an intense cognitive behaviour therapy program which consisted of 2 therapy sessions a week for about 6 months
  • recovered from PTSD (I think it just went away as I don't suffer the symptoms anymore)
  • started drinking again after being sober for 18 months (working on that now)
  • started up a beautiful friendship with my first love
  • moved out of my home to try to learn to be independent 
  • finally left my husband of 10 years
  • began a whirlwind romance with my first love (best decision I ever made)
  • gained 3 teenagers
  • dealt with people (my family) who disapproved of my new relationship 
  • moved in with my now partner, his 3 children and my son (and loving it)

What's happening now .... drinking is now getting worse which is partly why I am trying to be more mindful of using DBT skills and so I can be a better role model in the household. 

Now to get to skills practice. 

Till next time. 

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