Saturday 27 April 2013

Emergency Distress Tolerance Kit

Recently I printed out a list of distraction ideas for distress tolerance that I found online. It not only gave me ways I could distract myself in times of crisis, it also mentioned making an emergency distress tolerance kit. I have since started making one and funny enough had to use it a couple of days after putting it together – phew, it really helped to bring me down in a situation that could have ended up disastrous. 

What I have in my kit:

 Colouring Pages (wish they were this big ... lol)

 A page that says 'my grateful list' and another one that says 'things I have achieved'

 Nail Polish

 Chewing gum

 A sudoku book

A chamomile teabag

A candle and a lighter

Not only do I have this kit within reach of my bed but under my bed I have books to read (mostly self help), crossword puzzles, a small stereo with calming CD’s and a cuddly toy. My bedroom also is usually messy so it’s handy to be this way in a crisis because I can begin to tidy it up and if I’m really clever I’ll completely give it a good once over. 

Spend time making this special kit. Find a nice box (gift boxes are beautiful and sturdy too), decorate it inside and out, lay the items carefully in there and be ready to use it when needed. 

Put your emergency kit in a place where it is likely to be handy in times of distress and if you do tend to curl up somewhere when in crisis put some useful things there that can help distract yourself.

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