Wednesday 24 April 2013

More on Skills When Incapacitated

A couple of days ago I wrote about using skills when incapacitated. It made me think how true it really is that no matter if you are lying down, curled in the foetal position, desperate for release or even when disassociating you can always try to reach out to a little bag of tricks that could get you through without even leaving your lounge/bed. I thought it might be handy to write some tips and who knows maybe a print out of these tips could help you get by or at least lift your depression just slightly. 


·         read

·         play games on your mobile phone

·         pat the cat/dog

·         think of pros and cons of you tolerating your distress and not tolerating your distress (if possible write these down)

·         describe something in the room non judgementally (if possibly grab it so you can describe how it feels and smells as well)

·         observe your thoughts and feelings, letting them go

·         half smile

·         listen to calming music (I have a collection sitting right near the stereo)

·         think different thoughts by listing/naming things such as:

-          dog breeds

-          fruits and vegetables

-          scientific words

-          occupations

-          countries

-          famous people

-          cartoon characters

-          plants/trees

-          boys/girls names

-          product names

-          authors

-          names used in the Bible

·         counting with each breath (e.g breath in 1, breath out 2, breath in 3, breath out 4 etc)

·         when someone is talking to you try to consciously use GIVE skills (be Gentle, act Interested, Validate them and use an Easy manner) – yes you can do this while incapacitated it just takes extra extra effort

·         look at a book with beautiful images (again this is something that I have handy)

·         use imagery

·         observe your breath

-          on each inhale count 1, 2 then on each exhale count 1, 2

-          on each inhale say to yourself ‘breathing in’ and on each exhale say ‘breathing out’

-          concentrate on the little ridge underneath your nose on each inhale and exhale

-          on each inhale say to yourself ‘calm’ and on each exhale say ‘relax’

-          put your hands on your stomach and feel the rise and fall of each inhale and exhale

·         pick up the phone and call someone you know that will listen, they don’t need to give you advice, they could just be there and say ‘uhum’ and that could be all you need to feel a little better

·         rub hand cream into your hands, observing everything you are doing (I have this nearby also)

·         pray

·         take the observe breathing a step further and actually do this for a full 20 minutes ensuring you are lying on your back with your arms by your side, palms up and legs extended out in front of you relaxed


If you are completely incapacitated ask someone to help you with the promise to pay them back. My advise however, would be to, in your own time, achieve this little step yourself which in itself will feel rewarding

·         light some candles or burn essential oils

·         have a cup of chamomile tea

·         brush your hair (get your helper to help you get up not to brush your hair for you)

·         do a puzzle

·         write down 5 things you are grateful for

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