Saturday 17 August 2013

Today's skills

In the last post I wrote about rating skills. It has made me more mindful of what skills I have done, what I have competently done and what I have just simply thought of today. The following skills I would probably rate high, perhaps a 5 or 6 in my diary card (refer to the last post about skill ratings).
  Played with my doggies
Skill - Distress Tolerance (distracting with an activity)
 Hung out 4 loads of washing (huge deal for me as I have anxieties about looking like an idiot out in my backyard for the neighbours to laugh at - weird I know)
Skill - Distress Tolerance (distracting with an activity)
Skill - Emotion Regulation (acting opposite to emotion)
Skill - Interpersonal Effectiveness (maintaining self respect by being an independent, capable woman instead of relying on my husband to do it)
Looked at flower slideshow images on Youtube
Skill - Core Mindfulness (observing)
Skill - Core Mindfulness (being non-judgmental, one mindful and effective)
Skill - Distress Tolerance (self soothe - vision/seeing)
Used GIVE skills with my son
Skill - Interpersonal Effectiveness (GIVE)
Burned oils (relaxation blend of lavender, bergamot and geranium)
Skill - Distress Tolerance (self soothe - smell)

So there are my skills for today. I actually did a few which is good and I also radically accepted something that was out of my control and also none of my business. Quite happy about it. Perhaps I will post about it tomorrow. Till next time.

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